During my studies I worked on several projects mainly about analysis of nonlinear epidemiologic systems and robot control. I have been working for seven months at NUI – Galway in cooperation with Dr Zgonnikov under the supervision of Dr Piiroinen and Dr O’Hora, focused on research for my MSc thesis. As part of my thesis, I have developed a new methodology resulting in a dynamical model which aims at explaining somewhat the decisional process during a binary choice. My current research is focused on decision-making models. The methodology developed at NUIG ideally completes the decision spaces theory. The idea is to create a bistable nonlinear system that can represent a potential field of the decision process. In this way it is possible to analyse and, somewhat, predict and control the outcome of an individual (in a mouse tracking experiment).
I will join Dr Whelan’s lab in January 2017 as a Research Assistant as part of an SFI-funded project on the neural correlates of nicotine abstinence in humans.
Contact me
andrea (dot) aleni (at) gmail (dot) com